sequential equilibrium problem set

. ante sequential equilibrium. Meetings and Organization. 1. A strong plaintiff will win the case if it goes to trial, and a weak . (Find the weak sequential equilibrium (equilibria) directlyno need to find the Nash equilibria.) In this study, a novel sequential optimality condition for general continuous optimization problems is established. A trembling hand perfect equilibrium is an equilibrium that takes the possibility of off-the-equilibrium play into account by assuming that the players, through a "slip of the hand" or tremble, may choose unintended strategies, albeit with negligible probability. In this setting, we consider two notions of sequential equilibrium. the assumption that bargaining ends as soon as the second player rejects or accepts an offer is a criticism of sequential-move bargaining game. Note that sequential rationality cannot be determined from the normalform of a game. Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium We are now going to dene a renement of Nash equilibrium that captures the notion of backward induction. 5 Figure 2. issues in denitions of sequential equilibrium in this setting, in order to be considered a subgame perfect equilibrium, a set of strategies must - be a nash equilibrium for each subgame . In a sequential equilibrium, 2 must play r and 1 must play y, with probability .5 assigned to each node in each information set. Bayesian Games Yiling Chen September 12, 2012. to fries must be in equilibrium (I asked you to do something similar in problem #7 of problem set 4). This graphical solution may be stated mathematically as follows: x 2.0 2. There are two players, a plaintiff and a defendant in a civil suit. Consider the following reaction: 2H2O(g) + O2(g) 2H2O2(g), starting with 1.0 bar each of H2O and O2, it was found at equilibrium that the pressure of H2O2 was 0.05 bar . Answers to Problem Set #1: GNPn.txt, PNFIC1n.txt, ps1n.m. Both players randomize over their two strategy choices with probabilities .5 and .5. The term information set is most usually applied when the game has a sequential component. Among other things, this eliminates the equilibrium se-lection problem, which occurs in some games where there are multiple equilibria. In such games, an agent can rationally choose to forget, so issues of imperfect recall arise. 15.10 The diagram shown here represents the equilibrium state for the reaction A2(g) + 2 B(g) 2 AB(g). So this game, that did not have a Nash equilibrium in pure strategies, does have a Nash equilibrium in mixed strategies. What is a sequential equilibrium. Here, I will dene sequential equilibrium and apply it to some important games. Pooling Equilibrium. 2 * 1 * 2 1 1 1 games Pfries games P games fries . Sequential Rationality and Weak Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium Carlos Hurtado Department of Economics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign June 16th, 2016 C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Game Theory. Solution: No, the equilibria found in part (b) include all Nash equilibria. Suppose we assume sequentially rational behavior for the players. Some matlab files to solve the simple RBC Model in the previous handout: ss.m, RBC.m. M, Ch 8, 235-289. Once these Extensive Games Subgame Perfect Equilibrium Backward Induction Illustrations Extensions and Controversies NE not good enough for extensive games There is something unsatisfactory about the Nash equilibrium concept in extensive games. (g) ConsideranyArrow-Debreuequilibrium. They demonstrate that adding the restriction of sequential rationality partially alleviates the multiple equilibrium problem and thereby substantially expands the set of welfare criteria which can be implemented by carefully 0, the problem of agent iis to choose ci t;b i +1 1 0 that maximizes X1 t=0 tu ci t; 2(0;1) subject to (1a) for all t. Let us assume that bi 0 = 0 for all iis given. Prop. Economics questions and answers. But assume that player 1 plays acompletely mixed strategy, playing L, M, and R with probabilities 1 , 3 . Menon Business Economics 4 PROBLEM SET Question 3 (Sequential moves; Nash and Subgame perfect Nash equilibrium) Exercise background: Consider the situation of Problem 2, but assume now that player 1 makes her demand before player 2 makes his demand. Nash Equilibrium Lecture notes (PDF) 7 Application: Imperfect Competition Lecture notes (PDF) 8 Further Applications Lecture notes (PDF) 9 Backward Induction Lecture notes (PDF) 10 Application: Negotiation Lecture notes (PDF) 11 Subgame-Perfect Nash Equilibrium Lecture notes (PDF) 12 Repeated Games Lecture notes (PDF) 13 Application: Implicit . For the present belief, which puts probability 1 to the weak type, consider a . at a singleton information set (and there are other restrictions as well). The guaranteed security . Problem Set 3 is available here. . Once you find your document (s), you can . DEFINITION: A (sequential market) competitive equilibrium is a sequence fq tgand ci t;b i t+1 for i= 1;2 such that Given fq tg, ci t;b i t+1 solves is maximization problem . The information set after the quiche is o the equilibrium path. Problem Set 8 Solve before the classes April 22-24. Problem 1 below presents some games where PBEdoes not perform well, and introduces sequential equilibrium (SE) as a remedy to the exposed problems. Determine its profit-maximizing output. Economics. View Problem Set 2 - Solutions.pdf from EC 1101E at National University of Singapore. 0 and as the set of conditioning events F on which sequential rationality is imposed expands to include all -nite subsets of a neighborhood basis for all playersopen observable events. CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): The convergence of the sequential joint maximization method (Rutherford [10]) for searching economic equilibria is studied in the case of Cobb-Douglas utility functions. Competitive Equilibrium), for an Edgeworth Box: De nition: Price vector p and an allocation x = (x 1;x 2) in the Edgeworth box such that for i= 1;2 x i % ix ifor all x0i2B i(p) At equilibrium, the o er curves of the two consumers intersect Any intersection of the o er curves outside of !corresponds to a WE Only . I the set of players (bidders) is N I the set of states is V 1:::; V n I the set of actions for bidder i is A i = < + I the set of types for bidder i is V i I bidder i's interim belief is p i(v ijv i). Exercise 1 (similar to an exam question Winter 2002) Three consumers have identical Cobb-Douglas utility functions over two goods in the con-sumption set R2 + given by u(x 1i,x 2i) = x 1/2 1i x 1/2 2i. Problem 1 (Sequential equilibrium) a) In the game of Figure1, Nature chooses Lwith probability 3 4. (a) Find a separating sequential equilibrium. Problem Set #1. (a) Find all separating and pooling equilibria of the game above. Alternative: Stigler, -xed sample search (choose a sample of n jobs (c) Find a sequential equilibrium in which the probability of player 2 getting to move is strictly between 0 and 1. Consider the signaling game in the last page. less than or equal to 2. PROBLEM SET 2 SOLUTIONS Section A 1. That is, q 2 = q 2 (q 1).The profit of firm 2 can be formulated as 2 In the case of an Enemy type, he enjoys seeing how player 2 unwraps a box with a frog inside! On the Agenda 1 Formalizing the Game Game Theory Problem Set 8 Solution 1. This implies that the same set of actions must be feasible at every node in an information set. sequential rationality Due: Thursday, March 28 at beginning of class Reading: Fudendberg and Triole, Sections 3.1-3.4, & 8.3 . We know in equilibrium marginal utility per dollar spent will be equal for all goods. The equilibrium constant K p = 4.110-13 at 600K. . Walrasian Equilibrium (a.k.a. For general multistage games, we establish that an outcome is implementable in sequential equilibrium if and only if it is implementable An information set h for player i is a set of i's decision nodes among which i cannot distinguish. Recall that an extensive form game, E, species a host of objects, including a set of nodes, , an immediate predecessor mapping p(x) that induces a successor L3-sequential equilibrium. Consequently, the above equilibrium can't be sequential. Auctions Suggested Solutions by: Tibor Heumann 4/8/14 This problem set is due on Tuesday, 4/15/14. Because there are no subgames, this is also a subgame-perfect Nash equilibrium. The strategy set (1 votes no; 2 votes yes; 3 votes yes) is a Nash equilibrium: each player's strategy is the best possible against those of the other two. Learning Objective 17.3: Describe sequential move games and explain how they are solved. (h) Consider any Sequential Markets Equilibrium. This paper studies algorithms for equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints (EPECs). (b) Find a sequential equilibrium in which the probability of player 2 getting to move is 0. Finally, Weber (1983) analyzes sequential and simultaneous multigood auctions in which the bidders are not budget-con-strained. Answers to Problem Set #2. Proof sketch: Suppose were not a NE. The action (strategy) set of player 1 is given by S 1 = f0;:::;100g;with choice . A belief gives, for each information set of the game belonging to the player, a probability distribution on the nodes in the information set. Consider the following sequential game. (Sequential Equilibrium) 226.1. Rotational Velocity, . The probabilities .9 and .1 are indeed computed through Bayes' rule. They are based on the following model of public goods and the solution concepts of competitive equilibrium, Lindahl equilibrium, and core: Consider an economy of a thousand (1000) identical households i H, a finite set of Player 2 observes player 1 [s demand before making his choice. All Pay Auction. This is a fun problem! Note that the belief ,u = g(m, p) may be credible because there exists a best response x which makes is self-fulfilling. (f) Set up the Social Planner's problem for this economy. (a) P = {2000, 7000} (b) P = [0, ). The denition of PBE is based on two notions (besides Sequential Games GamesinExtensiveForm,BackwardInduction, SubgamePerfectEquilibrium,Commitment June2016 Games in Extensive Form, Backward Induction, Subgame Perfect Equilibrium, Commitment ()Part 4: Game Theory IISequential Games June 2016 1 / 17 . What node. Handout: A Primer on Solving a Real Business Cycle Model. because sequential equilibrium in this model imposes no restrictions on o-the-equilibrium beliefs. Equivalence of Arrow-Debreu and Sequential Markets Equilibria A full set of one-period Arrow securities is su cient to make markets sequentially complete. Any (nonnegative) consumption allocation is attainable with an appropriate sequence of Arrow security holdings fa t+1(st,s t+1)g satisfying all sequential markets budget constraints. For each set P below nd a sequential equilibrium and verify that it is indeed a sequential equilibrium. We ended the last problem set with the game which exposed the draw- . Consider the following signaling game. Players 1 and 2 are in a sequential all-pay-own-bid auction for a prize worth $3. (a) Show that for large enough there is a sequential equilibrium with no hiring on the equilibrium path. Problem 1 (Sequential equilibrium) a) In the game of Figure1, Nature chooses Lwith probability 3 4. 2. If the price is accepted, they trade the car at price p; no trade occurs otherwise. We meet on Tuesdays (8-10am, UB4.228) and Wednesdays (8-10am, UB2.147). Given these beliefs and equations (3) and (4), it is very easy to see that no type will want to deviate. In Section7, we consider when sequential equilibrium exists. Note that sequential rationality cannot be determined from the normalform of a game. In game theory, trembling hand perfect equilibrium is a refinement of Nash equilibrium due to Reinhard Selten. Perfect Sequential Equilibrium An updating rule g(m, p) and metastrategies u,, a` form a perfect sequential equilibrium iff (i) 6; and az are each sequentially perfect for all teT; (ii) g is credible with respect to 61, 92. Problem Set #2. , where is the set of indices of those m independent columns. From the problem, we can write this as. Properties of payos: 1 Player 1 is happy if player 2 accepts the gift: 1 In the case of a Friendly type, he is just happy because of altruism. We need to study the extensive form to determine if a strategy has this property. That is, fries fries games games P MU P MU = . Recall that: De nition 1 A ebhaviaolr sattrgey for player i is a function i: H i ( A i) such that for any h i H i, the suporpt of i ( h i) is ontacined in the set of actions available at h i. eW now augment a plyear s strategy to explicitly account for his beliefs. Equilibrium : The point in a game where both players have made their decisions and an outcome is reached . We examine sequential equilibrium in the context of computational games (Halpern and Pass 2015), where agents are charged for computation. Jobs sampled sequentially. First, player 1 must pay $1 or pass. A represents the "normal" allele and is also represented by p in the H-W equilibrium equations. It's OK to work together on problem sets. (c) Show that in a sequential equilibrium, if the kth principal hires with positive probability then pT k 1 3 for T= A;B. refinements of Nash equilibrium permit the implementation of some additional SCCs. . This problem addressed by sequential equilibrium, which explicitly requires that the players play a best reply at every information set (sequential rationality) and that the players' beliefs are "consistent" with the other players' strategies. Do the following exercises from the rst homework of John Nachbar's Econ 504 (Spring 2007): 2(a), 4, and 7. Originally devised for constrained nonsmooth optimization, the proposed sequential optimality condition addresses the domain of the constraints instead of . However, it holds in important classes of games, including single-agent games, games with pure adverse selection, games with pure moral hazard, and a class of social learning games. In this game, any belief o the equilibrium path is consistent. Player 1 Port Knights Animal Crossing IPAD IPAD 0.5) 0.09 What is the Nash Equilibrium of this . We propose a sequential nonlinear complementarity (SNCP) algorithm to . of equilibrium; hence we need to use the Bayes' rule. An explanation for this is that any strategy (q;1 q) is optimal for information set 2.a, so any strategy pro le is a Nash equilibrium for the subgame rooted at 2.a. sets to mixed actions) - beliefs for each player i (P i(v | h) for all information sets h of player i) (b) Show that if >2 3, then in all sequential equilibria there is no hiring on the equilibrium path. The equilibrium price rises ("price for raw tea . this problem: Problem: Some information sets are reached with zero probability and so we cant use Bayes rule to pin down beliefs Solution: Use completely mixed strategies to ensure that every information set is reached with positive probability This is the notion of sequential equilibrium Suppose we assume sequentially rational behavior for the players. We first find the output q 2 of firm 2 that maximizes firm 2's profit given the output q 1 of firm 1. mation sets), a behavioral strategy prole is a subgame perfect equilibrium if and only if it is a sequential equilibrium (with the only feasible belief system that assigns prob 1 to the single history in each info set). Obara (UCLA) Bayesian Nash Equilibrium February 1, 2012 6 / 28 7. . An open sequential equilibrium is de-ned as a limit of (";F)-sequential equilibrium con-ditional distributions on outcomes as " ! Engelbrecht-Wiggans and Weber (1979) find the equilibrium allo-cation of a fixed budget acros s a set of independent auctions. Problem 1 below presents some games where PBEdoes not perform well, and introduces sequential equilibrium (SE) as a remedy to the exposed problems. I bidder i's payo is u i(b;v) = 1(b i max j6=i b j)(v i b i). The network 3 dynamics are modeled using a Godunov discretization of the Lighthill-Williams-Richards partial differential 4 equation with a trapezoidal ux function. a. Formulate a balanced transportation problem that can be . 2 Both types of player 1 prefer not to make a gift (obtaining a payo of 0), rather than making a gift that is rejected (with a (b) If the volume of the equilibrium mixture is decreased, will the number of AB molecules increase or decrease? We are done. (a) Assuming the vol- ume is 2 L, calculate the equilibrium constant Kc for the reaction. It ignores the sequential structure of the game and treats strategies as choices made once and for all. In general, buyers are restricted to purchase only one unit of the . This approach was already followed by the same authors in the case of variational inequalities. If two bidders For example, any of the game parts to the right of any box in the Pay-raise Voting Game is a subgame. DEFINITION: A (sequential market) competitive equilibrium is a sequence fq tgand ci t;b i t+1 for i= 1;2 such that Given fq tg, ci t;b i t+1 solves is maximization problem . 0, the problem of agent iis to choose ci t;b i +1 1 0 that maximizes X1 t=0 tu ci t; 2(0;1) subject to (1a) for all t. Let us assume that bi 0 = 0 for all iis given. Handout: Introduction to RBC Models. 5. The above argument determines Player 2's beliefs at his information set. Question: Consider the Sequential Matching Pennies Game. Games in Extensive Form, Backward Induction, Subgame Perfect Equilibrium, Commitment ()Part 4 . This problem can be formulated as a two-person sequential game of two stages and with perfect information. Existence results for the tangled lexicographic problem are proved via the study of a related sequential problem. A two-link example. 2 Preliminaries on MPECs The model is augmented with an additional constraint that . Furthermore, suppose sequential rationality is common knowledge. F, Ch 3, 207-241, Ch 4, 319-364. What are the equilibrium pressures of CO, Cl2, and COCl if we start with 0.124 atm pressure of COCl at this temperature? called perfect Bayesian equilibrium (PBE), and it was shown that (i) PBE is a strict renement of subgame-perfect equilibrium ((21)) and (ii) in general, the set of sequential equilibria ((15)) is a proper subset of the set of perfect Bayesian equilibria. 1 librium travel time of 63.3; the equilibrium flows are 2153 vehicles on link A and 5847 vehicles on link B. a Nash equilibrium (where x is player 1's mixed strategy and y is player 2's mixed strategy) and (x0,y0) is a Nash equilibrium, then (x,y0) and (x0,y) are also Nash equilib-ria. Player 1 first chooses which game to play on the Nintendo Switch Player 2 observes the choice and chooses to either also play on the Switch or to instead use the IPAD. We present a generalization of Scholtes's regularization scheme for MPECs and extend his convergence results to this new relaxation method. 1.2 Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium Let G be an extensiev form game. In the context of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, the condition is proved to ensure Clarke stationarity. [Sections 15.5 and 15.7] It is shown that convergence is closely related to the behavior of certain inhomogeneous Markov chains. (b) Which of these equilibria are sequential equilibria? Since, as shown in [Halpern and Pass 2015], even Nash equilibria may not exist in Bayesian machine games, we clearly cannot expect a sequential equilibrium to exist in general. But it is a silly equilibrium, because if 2 ever found herself in a situation where . . Player 2's information set will not be reached at the equilibrium, because player 1 will play L with probability 1. SA= 15. Consumer 1 has initial endowment 1 = (2,8), while consumers 2 and 3 both have initial . Some of the worksheets below are Equilibrium Physics Problems and Solutions Worksheets, Definition of equilibrium, Static and Dynamic Equilibrium, Equilibrium Equations, Equilibrium and Torque : Equilibrium and Torque, definition of static and dynamic equilibrium, Linear vs. (c)Does this game have a Nash equilibrium (possibly in mixed strategies) that is not sub-game perfect? Problem Set 7 Answer Key 1) A firm is a monopoly in its output market and a monopsony in its input market. than to reject, so in a subgame perfect equilibrium, player 2 must accept whenever i 99:The only degree of freedom left for player 2 . 2. message and a separating equilibrium if he assigns to each type a dierent message. Do the following exercises from the Osborne-Rubinstein book. Bayesian Nash, Trembling Hand and Sequential equilibrium. A subgame is any part of a game that remains to be played after a given set of moves.

sequential equilibrium problem set