why does athena disguise herself as telemachus

One could be that Telemachus is losing hope about his father returning alive. Who did Penelope cheat on Odysseus with? In disguise as an old friend of Odysseus', Athena travels to his manor in Ithaca, now overrun with noisy, lustful suitors intent on marrying Odysseus' wife, Penelope. After she leaves, the narrator reveals that he suspected that she was an immortal in . Odysseus reveals his true identity to his son, and they work out a plan to defeat the suitors. She often disguises herself as Mentor, an old acquaintance of Odysseus. Athena visited Telemachus disguised as Mentes, son of Anchialus, and the leader of the Taphians. Odysseus and Telemachus both return to Ithaca at the same time. Who does Athena disguise herself as in Book 2? Odysseus reveals his true identity to his son, and they work out a plan to defeat the suitors. It is a common theme in these kinds of stories for gods and goddesses to. Telemachus invites Athena in politely, they eat, suitors are seen violating Xenia. Odysseus is disguised as a beggar by the goddess Athena, who helps him plot his revenge against the suitors who are courting his wife. Odysseus' son, Telemachus, unhappy among the suitors, greets Athena warmly as a stranger and invites her to their feast. Telamachus goes to find Nestor to tell him about the outcome of the war and the fate that many of the greek heroes that fought alongside them in the war in Troja, he is very nervous before talking to him, we know it because he tells athena and follows her at a distance, and he repeats her prayer word for word. Hermes is sent to Calypso and Athena goes to Telemachus. It was the beginning of an expedition. Disguise and Deceit 1: Athena disguises herself as a man and enters the hall of Odysseus to encourage his son to leave. why did athena make odysseus handsome why did athena make odysseus handsome After this, he must kill the suitors, as Orestes did. Similarly, why does Athena tell Odysseus to disguise himself as a beggar? Click to see full answer. Telemachus - Wikipedia. . The information he collects allows . Mentes tells Telemachus to call an assembly to ask the suitors to leave and go to Pylos and Sparta to ask of father. Throughout the epic, Athena provides heavenly assistance to Odysseus and Telemachus, and she represents them in the gods' conferences on Mount Olympus. This journey was made with the aid of the goddess Athena, who disguised Odysseus. Athena because she talks to her father to encourage him to save Odysseus; she is the goddess of wisdom and he is very wise and clever. Gregory Nagy: In the Greek of The Odyssey, a mentor is someone who instills a heroic mentality in somebody. Athena visits Telemachus in order to help Odysseus return home. . As shown in this quote, everyone applies disguises everyday. Why does Athena make Odysseus taller and stronger? Athena visits Telemachus in order to help Odysseus return home. Throughout the epic, Athena provides heavenly assistance to Odysseus and Telemachus, and she represents them in the gods' conferences on Mount Olympus. Answer (1 of 2): That's a good question. She further informed Telemachus that Anchialus and Odysseus, Telemachus's father, were old friends. In Book I, the Goddess Athena disguises herself as Mentes, an old family friend of Odysseus, when she goes to visit his son, Telemachus. Odysseus' son, Telemachus, unhappy among the suitors, greets Athena warmly as a stranger and invites her to their feast. The gods are having a meeting about how to save Odysseis while Poseidon is away She appeared as Odysseus friend Mentes, when she approached Telemachus. She lies about her name and where she is from and gives advice to Telemachus that he takes. That is one reason Athena disguises herself: she really likes Odysseus and Telemachus, so she does not want to kill them. Telemachus - Wikipedia. This camouflage in everyday life is used to create a superior person in order to succeed, similar to how Odysseus is disguised by Athena so he can return home . Throughout the The Odyssey, disguise helped the main character, Odysseus,develop through humility and understanding, which eventually led the character back to Ithaca. She further informed Telemachus that Anchialus and Odysseus, Telemachus's father, were old friends. Athena also makes Penelope more beautiful and young looking to prepare for her husband's return. Odysseus Disguise Analysis. People also ask, why does Athena disguise herself in the Odyssey? Athena disguises Odysseus as a beggar so he can sneak into his palace, but removes the disguise and makes him appear strong and youthful when his son finally meets him. It is a common theme in these kinds of stories for gods and goddesses to . So, why is Athena assisting Odysseus and Telemachus? She claimed that she was on a voyage to Temesa for purposes of trade. Why does Athena make Odysseus taller and stronger? Athena visited Telemachus disguised as Mentes, son of Anchialus, and the leader of the Taphians. So, why is Athena assisting Odysseus and Telemachus? Zeus likes him because he says Odysseus is very wise and he is pleased with Odysseus' offerings. She doesn't show her true self to humans; instead Athena disguises herself on three different occasions. The Odyssey Topic Tracking: Disguise and Deceit. She is the goddess of wisdom, who helps Telemachus on a journey to bring his father back home. Her role as goddess of the womanly arts gets very little attention in The Odyssey. //en.wikipedia.org wiki Telemachus. Who did Penelope cheat on Odysseus with? Athena is confident, practical, clever, a master of disguises, and a great warrior, characteristics she finds reflected in Telemachus. This isn't good, firstly for his own future glory, but also Athena needs to buy time; Odysseus is coming home, she's making sure of that, and she'll . Athena, disguised as him, tells Telemachus that he is sailing to the city of Temese with his own crew, claiming that he is in search of copper. That is one reason Athena disguises herself: she really likes Odysseus and Telemachus, so she does not want to kill them. Athena goes to Odysseus son to put courage in him. Athena instructs him to call an assembly of the islanders and order the suitors away; then he must sail away to find news of his father at Pylos and Sparta. Athena disguises Odysseus as a wandering beggar in order to learn how things stand in his household. Mentes was an old family friend of Odysseus' family, so Athena disguised herself as Mentes to go talk to Telemakhos. She often disguises herself as Mentor, an old acquaintance of Odysseus. Who does Athena disguise herself as in Book 2? Why does Athena come to Telemakhos in the form of Mentes? She claimed that she was on a voyage to Temesa for purposes of trade. //en.wikipedia.org wiki Telemachus. Click to see full answer. There are multiple reasons! Created by Poppy_Seymour The Odyssey begins with a debate amongst the gods. Athena instructs him to call an assembly of the islanders . 4.He really loves his wife and that he would only wash in front of her. Athena helps Odysseus, not only because he prays and gives sacrifice in her honor, but because of his character traits. "We all wear some disguiseto set ourselves off as being better than we are" (Hazlitt). Penelope works at the loom all the time but rarely sees Athena, and then usually only in dreams.

why does athena disguise herself as telemachus